Sunday, June 10, 2012

Back on the Wagon...

...the weight loss wagon that is. After more attempts than I can remember to get to my goal weight, it just has not happened in the last 12 or more years. I now find myself at the heaviest weight I have ever known. It is time that I claim my health and my future. I am not going to claim to become a fitness guru in the next 30 days but I am going to take the steps that I know I can do to accomplish my goals. There are so many different weight loss programs out there that I really think are just money making schemes. I have been successful with Weight Watchers in the past and so that is the path I am laying out in front of me at this point. I know to reach and maintain my goals I need to do something that I will commit to doing for life. Tomorrow is my new Day 1... Here's to hoping that this will be the last Day 1 in my future.

Here is a picture of me (and Denny Hamlin) taken Memorial Day weekend. This picture really hit home to me that I am done with this struggle in my life. (That and the fact that I split a pair of pajama pants when I sat down)  : )

So stay tuned... healthy me updates to come....